Predicting bus network occupancy
The problem
Mosaic Factor participated in the Aveiro Tech City Urban Challenge to generate a Mobility Insider predictive platform to predict and optimise occupancy of Aveiro’s bus network.
The solution
Decision support system to optimise Aveiro’s mobility, making complex decisions simpler.
Mosaic developed an AI solution including a prediction module and an optimisation module.
- Prediction Module
Using AI predicts the number of passengers in every bus stop and estimates the occupancy of the buses up to 48 hours.

- Optimisation Module
Assigns the vehicles and drivers in the bus schedule, optimising the fuel consumption and the CO2 emissions.

- Prediction Module: predicts passengers in every stop of the network with an 85% accuracy.
- Optimisation Module: to allocate the most efficient schedule for vehicles and drivers, resulting in a 24% decrease in CO2 emissions.