Sustainable 5G deployment model

The problem
To design, develop, demonstrate, and validate a TMC (Traffic Management Center) for Abertis Autopistas.
Included within an advanced Cooperative Connected, and Automated Mobility (CCAM) initiative for the automotive sector and railway communication services along the Mediterranean cross-border corridor between Figures, Spain and Perpignan, France, enabled by a multi-stakeholder compute and network infrastructure deployed by MNOs, neutral hosts, and road and rail operators, based on 5G.
The solution
Bringing sustainable 5G deployment model for future mobility in the Mediterranean Cross-Border Corridor.
Our Traffic Management Control solution developed has a complete vision of the current state of the traffic and incidents long the highway. By combining different data sources, the TMC can:
- Provide complete vision of the traffic and incidents status long the high way in real-time
- Provide real-time information to the connected vehicles and high-way information panels
- Allow reaction in real-time to the traffic and manage traffic by the creation of the traffic strategies
- Send traffic and incidents information to the connected vehicles or data infrastructure long the highway.
We designed the TMC to make full use of all the advantages of the 5G communication technology. It implements a distributed architecture able to be deployed in multiple edge and cloud nodes.
We combined data in real time from different sources:
- CV and CAV (Connected and Connected Autonomous Vehicles)
- Road-side videocameras with ML RT video-processing
- Third party traffic data providers
The project demonstrates advanced Cooperative Connected, and Automated Mobility and Future Railway Mobile Communications System services between Spain and France.
Tangible results:
- Full vision of the traffic status long the high way in real time
- Automatic detection of road incidents
- Self-managed traffic strategies to mitigate traffic congestions due traffic incidents or high level of traffic flow
- The digitalisation of the road infrastructure with a network of sensors, enabling road operators to execute intelligent traffic management strategies that ensure uninterrupted, safe, and efficient mobility in a situation of mixed conventional and automated traffic.